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Ad 100 transponder key programming device
The Ad 100 is an automotive transponder key programming device that is very versatile in it’s key creating abilities, able to produce keys for a wider range of cars than any other diagnostic equipment available to the locksmith industry. Information courtesy of Nexus Locksmiths Willoughby – For a fast emergency response 24/7 Call our Willoughby Locksmith now!
It works by interfacing with the vehicles on board programming port or OBD. There are many different dongles available to cover the wide range of manufacturers that this machine is capable of producing keys for, each dongle comes as part of a specific manufacturer package.
The automotive industry is rapidly changing all the time and the AD 100 is flexible in the way that it is upgradeable enabling it to evolve with the automotive industry, providing the automotive locksmith with the flexibility to produce keys to new models, an important aspect that retains the machines future earning capacity to the locksmith. Need a 24 hour Locksmith Willoughby? We offer an expert gain entry service for home, office and car. Call now!
One advantage of the AD 100 is that it is compatible with both Australian made and imported cars, offering more opportunity to the automotive locksmith than any other transponder device on the market today. In fact the device features locally developed and supported applications for the most popular models such as Ford, Holden and more. Many imported diagnostic tools fall down in this area; with the AD 100 support is available locally, which is a big bonus when dealing with the complexities of transponder key programming across a wide variety of vehicles. Nexus Emergency Locksmith Willoughby are on call now!
Prior to the locksmith industry getting in on the transponder market, the dealers were the only method of
customers acquiring transponder keys. The availability of this after market technology means that locksmiths can duplicate and also make new keys where all keys have been lost. Select locksmiths offer a mobile transponder key programming service, so they will come to you, unlike the dealer, which will save you having to tow your car.
In 1996 manufacturers started introducing transponders, a form of electronic security to combat high rates of automotive theft, so in addition to mechanical security, that being the key blade. The electronic level of security has seen a drop in automotive theft rates, a positive outcome for insurers and consumers.
The advantage of the AD 100 over cloning machines is that it can create keys to a wide variety of cars even if no keys are available. It is a transponder key originator as opposed to being only a cloning device. As the automotive industry adds more technical electronic levels of security, the AD 100 evolves to keep up with the changes, it’s also able to work on new vehicles, which use crypto key technology, or challenge response. All information brought to you by Nexus Locksmiths Willoughby.
The Ad 100 works in conjunction with the mechanical key cuts. Before the AD 100 can be used to program a key the correct mechanical cuts need to be cut onto the key blade by a locksmith. Once the key has been inserted into the ignition, the device will prompt the locksmith to turn the key; if the programming procedure is done correctly then the vehicles computer will accept the key.